Monday, September 12, 2011

from idea to finish

"meal "
11X17 digital

if you sit anywhere near my desk you'll see little doodle as crude as this

and I'm starting to sketch out a new kids book here area some very early sketches


  1. looks really awesome! :-> I especially like fox character at the bottom! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Great pieces! Like the idea of meal above, the message is clearly written. Characters below seems interesting looking forward for the others. :D wow account for sale

  3. Incredible the above illustration and the first idea sketch!

  4. Now this is how I always feel when i'm at a coffee shop ;) You are such an inspiration!

  5. fun stuff, the monsters turned out great.

  6. What's this? Only three pictures!

    (and now a reference to Baron Munchausen)

    "Not bad."

  7. that was really very funny art shared by you,,

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  8. Whoa these are great, nice sketches! Are you still with Sony?

  9. I love all your kooky monsters. So cute!

  10. You're the best and a great inspiration to me, man...cooooool

  11. Fun pieces! Especially the first one.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. hey colin! Cool stuff, love the cafe piece :)

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